
Collection centres


Municipal collection centres allow the citizen to deposit municipal residues for which there are no specific containers on the streets or any public collection system.

These centres can receive special residues like paints, batteries, cooking oils, x-rays, clothes, footwear, ink cartridges, toners, electrical and electronic devices, etc…

SIRESA is responsible for the integrated management of all the installations forming the Barcelona Collection centres network. On the other hand, in that regarding metropolitan Collection centres, SIRESA is responsible for the integrated management, customer attention and maintenance of the premises, as well as some collection centres of metropolitan towns, and mobile collection centres; and logistics management (collection and transport) of the residues from all metropolitan collection centres.


SIRESA completely manages 59 installations in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area.



Barcelona Collection centres

Collection centres are for depositing the residues we cannot throw into containers located on the streets.

Currently, Barcelona has area collection centres, neighbourhood collection centres and specific stops of mobile collections centres. In addition, there are mobile collection centres that can be requested for schools and institutes, as well as by civil entities or associations for environmental education.

Neighbourhood Collection centres:

Neighbourhood collection centres are small municipal installations located within the urban layout and that only accept small sized private municipal residues.

Area Collection centres:

These are large environmental installations located in the city suburbs. Although service is free for private citizens, they are specially designed for the commercial and services sectors.

Mobile Collection centres:

Mobile collection centres are a municipal residues selective collection service, consisting of vehicles with several containers that make predefined stops in the city.

The mobile collection centre for schools is an educational resource for special residues that is aimed at raising environmental conscience awareness in students and their families.

Metropolitan collection centres

Metropolitan collection centres are installations that allow citizens to classify themselves different types of domestic residues, including special ones, they have not been able to selectively deposit, meaning, in separate containers.

Collection centres:

Collection centres are centres that selectively receive and store different types of municipal residues. This is an infrastructure that allows citizens to deposit large and special municipal residues.

Mobile collection centres:

The mobile metropolitan collection centres consist of a vehicle adapted for collections visiting different neighbourhoods and/or towns of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area with a preestablished calendar of stops.

This is a container truck adapted with different compartments for collecting ordinary residues (textiles, lightweight packaging, etc.) and special ones.

More information

For more information about timetables, prices, residues admitted and others, consult the following links:

Interesting data


tons of residues collected



*Data for the year 2022