
Treatment of bulky waste

SEMESA also has an installation for separating bulky waste and for treatment of the wood it separates, at the Gava-Vildecans Municipal Residues Treatment Centre.

These are bulky waste and wood mainly from municipal collection, as well as from collection centres of the Barcelona metropolitan area.

SEMESA selects the different fractions: wood, scrap, mattresses, plastic furniture, pressurised cans, etc.

Of all these, wood is transformed by means of a trituration process to obtain chips, a material sold for the manufacturing of particle boards and as alternative fuel, among others. The rest of residues, after separation, are managed through authorised companies, always giving priority to its recovery.

Transformed chips over the last years have allowed saving hundreds of thousands of tons of virgin wood.



The treatment of bulky waste activity is carried out in the Gavà-Vildecans Municipal Residues Treatment Centre.

The bulky waste and wood treatment plant manages the main types bulky waste in different ways:

  • bulky waste​ reception area: the plant has an area of about 10,000 square meters where it receives and does the initial triage of the material. In this area the materials are separated for their later treatment or transport.
  • Wood trituration plant: the wood that is received is sent to the trituration plant, where it is transformed into chips to later be commercialised. This process also separates the remains of metals (nails, handles, hinges, etc.).
  • Storage silos: the triturated material is stored in three large silos that can store up to more than 1,000 cubic meters. At the same time, the area has a discharging tunnel for loading the chips onto trucks for their later transport.

This is the first of this type of plant built in Catalonia and is in operation since 2004 giving services to all the municipalities of the Barcelona metropolitan area.

Interesting data


tons of bulky waste and wood treated


tons of chips recovered


of bulky waste and wood recovered

*Data corresponding to 2023